Tuesday, September 15, 2015

It's ok to cough during meditation

So I set off to begin each morning with a short meditation. Normally, I don't get as far as meditating, because I'm not all "setup" for it. The long list of meditation preparation requirements grew and grew. Candle...check, white noise...check, journal nearby for jotting post-meditation revelations...check, silent place to reflect on my inner existence...check. The latter is usually the culprit as to why I rarely get as far as meditating. 

But today was different. While still in bed, and coffee in hand...I decided to meditate. Nothing elaborate.  You know, just start.  I set a timer on my phone for one minute and closed my eyes and focused on my breath. It seemed like no more than two seconds before the timer went off. Shoot. Right in the middle of my mediation. I snoozed that and set a timer to keep track of how long I meditated instead. Better. 

A little while in I felt the need to cough. Shoot. I'm trying to meditate over here.  So I coughed. No biggy...back to meditation. Deep yoga breaths traveled in through the nose, grazed the back of my throat, swept the depths of my belly and out again. It was wonderful. 

I came in at just under three minutes. But that's okay. Today I meditated. I look forward to beginning each day with an informal mediation. I don't need a bunch of props to meditate. Just a moment to catch my breath.